Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hates It: New City = New Stylist

It took us FOREVS to find a decent stylist in LA. Try after try, (salon after salon) without fail, we'd end up walking out unhappy and making a bee line to the nearest hat shop.

More often than not, the sitch played out like this:

::Hand stylist picture of the hair we want::
::Stylist looks at picture::
::Stylist looks at us::
::Looks at picture::
::Looks at us::

Stylist: "Your hair's NEVER gonna look like this."

Well, great. Who do we make the $150 check out to again?

Finally finally! After constant CitySearching and stopping people in the street (thanks, you guys!), we have found our stylist. He's quick, innovative, and just the right amount of gay. Flitty, but not like he's trying to be flitty, you know? Unfortch, he's also in LA ...and now we're not.

Hates it!

Guess we're growing our bangs out, after all. We'll keep you bitches posted.

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