Monday, August 25, 2008

Loves it or Hates it?

There's got to be a reason for this, right?

This morning on my drive to work, we were listening to, as usual, Ryan Seacrest on KIIS FM's morning show.  He was interviewing some woman talking an awful lot about American Idol.  But we know a good drug-induced banter session when we hear it, so I knew the voice wasn't Paula Abdul.

Who is Kara DioGuardi?  Where did she come from?  And most importantly, who gives a shit?  In short, she is the newest judge on American Idol.  

We are not HUGE fans of changes on American Idol.  We barely handled the addition of instruments from last season.  We never knew so many people knew how to play somber music on acoustic guitar in this country.  Basically, Kara is going to be the new kid in school who is trying to be funny and witty with all of the kids who have went there since kindergarten, but she won't know any of the jokes or fit in nearly as well.  Thankfully, she's sorta hot.  

What do you all think about this addition of another judge?  While not the most pressing question, in general, still pretty important in the grand scheme, don't you think?


Chad Jamian's Brain said...

omg. it'll kinda be like when they have guest judges. but every day. not a fan. if she replaced paula, i'd be happy though.

Nate said...

definitely hates it. they're also shortening the audition eps this year. do you loves that?

Anonymous said...

I haven't looked her up yet, but hot or not is she at all qualified to judge?

Not that it matters. Ok it matters in the deepest corner of my heart. (But don't tell)