Monday, April 6, 2009

"I'd like to phone a friend." or "On the fence about another Black Eyed Peas song" by Tregg

Why does this always happen to me?  It's been years and years, and yet, when confronted with this situation, my reaction is always the same.  Confusion.  Indifference.  Negativity.  Resistance.  

But every time the final conclusion is inevitable.  I fuckin' loves it.

Such is the case with the latest offering from the Black Eyed Peas.  Boom Boom Pow.  I am still in the middle of my see-saw of emotions toward this song, and I am having an incredible case of deja vu akin to the days of "My Humps" back in 2005.  I hated that song.  The video was trash, and I had the sinking suspicion that "lovely lady lumps" would become part of pop culture vernacular.  The idea of this song becoming a mainstay at parties and on my iPod was too much.

But eventually it wore me down.  I found myself paying for the electronic jukebox at McMurray's at Wittenberg to play the song NOW.  I would pay the extra 50 cents to trump the next bad rap song some townie would play.  Play "My Humps" NOW!

How could the Black Eyed Peas do this to me?  I'm never usually a fan of kitschy music.  Gimmicky songs never do it for me.  I have loathed everything Sean Kingston has subjected me to.  But the Peas, man, will get me every time.

So I write this blog to help sort out my feelings, but I'm coming to realize while I may not be there yet, I will be soon.  I am going to love "Boom Boom Pow."  It's only a matter of time.


Loves It or Hates It said...
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Loves It or Hates It said...

this song is boom boom trash.